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  • Writer's pictureTricia Orr

Eating well on any budget

Updated: Mar 11, 2018

It's important to fuel our bodies with good whole food nutrition. Eat the rainbow and a delicious salad full of leafy greens purple cabbage and a variety of coloured vegetables tastes great!

When it comes to eating healthy fruits and vegetables we are at the mercy of our grocery stores. The produce is picked before it ripens so it can travel and ripen on the way. Often times our greens are overripeness and ready for compost days after we purchase them.

“Do you have a Garden? Growing your own and picking it ripe to use means you have all the nutrition you should get from it. if you live in the North we have long cold winters but I grow fresh vegetables with an aeroponic Tower Garden."

I can help your order a tower garden and get you growing in the comfort of your home all winter or on your patio in the summer. Takes little space and low monthly payments for a year and like me you can save hundreds of dollars just growing your own all year!

My Tower Garden

Im currently growing tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants, basil Arugula Swiss chard, gourmet Lettuce and boo chop to name a few. What would you grow? With the tower garden you can grow everything except root vegetables because the system does not use soil my plants are growing in rock wool and growth rocks the roots of the plant are hanging in the tube and kept intermittently watered with the pump on a timer. I have LED grow lights on the timer as well.

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