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  • Writer's pictureTricia Orr

10 foods to relieve stress

Updated: Nov 15, 2018

Choosing healthy foods can impact your mood in a positive way helping to stabilize blood sugar, relieve tension, keep you feeling positive!

I use my plant based protein power with Almond milk to curb cravings and satisfy hunger. It provides plant based balanced nutrition in every serving!

“Do you use protein powder? Protein is essential for building muscle and provides speedy recovery A lot are Whey based with is a milk byproduct if your looking for a balanced plant based vegan gluten free protein powder message me.”

Eating a wide variety of leafy greens like spinach rich in folate, helps your mood regulating neurotransmitters keep your mood in upbeat rhythm. One 2012 study found people who consumed more folate in their diet had a lower risk of depression than those who ate the least.

Fruits and vegetables of all kind, One study showed that when people ate more fruits and vegetables, they reported feeling calmer and happier and more energetic than thy normally did.

Organic Turkey breast and I say Organic cause regular meat is pumped full of antibiotics. when buying turkey the ingredient list should say just that,"turkey". Because Turkey contains a protein building block amino acid Tryptophan research shows that argumentative people who consumed tryptophan became markedly more pleasant.

Yogurt will improve your mood by enhancing your gut flora, Beneficial bacteria have a direct effect on brain chemistry.

Omega 3 because EPA and DHA play a role in your emotional well being. Recently my business launched a new Omega blend that is vegan and derived from Algal oil. Omega 3 has always been farmed from fish because fish eat krill and they eat Algae so thats how its transmitted into the salmon. By getting the omega from the source of omega 3 our capsules do not taste fishy and thats beneficial in itself right?

Research has also shown that blueberries provide a boost in the natural killer cells which plays a vital role in immunity. Another research article shows 2 serving of pistachios a day lowered vast constriction during stress.

Cocoa, the Journal of Psychopharmacology revealed that drinking an antioxidant wish chocolate drink like the dutch chocolate complete powder that I drink, makes you feel calmer than those who do not.

although sunshine is not a food it stabilizes your mood. research evaluated the effects of vitamin "D" on the mental health of 80 elderly patients and found those with the lowest levels were more depressed than those who received healthy amounts of vitamin "D"

Seeds because they ast as a precursor for neurotransmitters like serotonin and magnesium levels and low magnesium triggers anxiety, panic attacks and depression.

and lastly is the one food I am struggling with is Avocado they provide 20 essential health boosting nutrients. They are so amazing with so many benefits I am working on trying to get them into my system.

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