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  • Writer's pictureTricia Orr


Updated: Nov 15, 2018

We humans are mostly microbes, over 100 trillion of them. Microbes outnumber our human cells ten to one. The majority live in our gut, particularly in the large intestine The microbiome is the genetic material of all the microbes - bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses - that live on and inside the human body.

The number of genes in all the microbes in one person’s microbiome is 200 times the number of genes in the human genome. The microbiome may weigh as much as five pounds. The bacteria in the microbiome help digest our food, regulate our immune system, protect against other bacteria that cause disease, and produce vitamins including B vitamins B12, thiamine and riboflavin, and Vitamin K, which is needed for blood coagulation. The microbiome was not generally recognized to exist until the late 1990s

Humans are superorganisms. The human body harbors an extensive microbiome, which has been shown to differ in patients with autoimmune diagnoses. Intracellular microbes slow innate immune defenses by dysregulating the vitamin D nuclear receptor, allowing pathogens to accumulate in tissue and blood. Molecular mimicry between pathogen and host causes further dysfunction by interfering with human protein interactions. Autoantibodies may well be created in response to pathogens.


The catastrophic failure of human metabolism observed in autoimmune disease results from a common underlying pathogenesis - the successive accumulation of pathogens into the microbiome over time, and the ability of such pathogens to dysregulate gene transcription, translation, and human metabolic processes. Autoimmune diseases are more likely passed in families because of the inheritance of a familial microbiome, rather than Mendelian inheritance of genetic abnormalities. We can stimulate innate immune defenses and allow patients to target pathogens, but cell death results in immunopathology.

I am currently researching microbiome and its effects on our health because my son has autoimmune diseases. Vitiligo, type 1 diabetes and celiac disease are all autoimmune diseases. This research brings understanding why it is so important to do the shred 10 detox program. Resetting your microbiome to jumpstart better choices and a healthy body that recovers quickly from workouts or injury is great but preventing disease is priceless!

I do a 10 Day shred to reset my microbiome 3 times a year and maintain a healthy weight and gut! I avoid gluten, dairy, caffeine, sugar and processed food I take my capsules and drink two shakes a day within 3 days I feel great and have increased energy. If you would like product information take a look here.

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